divendres, 5 de març del 2010

welcome to new orleans

“Welcome to New Orleans” is a 58 minute documentary about the city of New Orleans during the first year after Katrina. This film depicts the violence and racism in the impoverished American South. This is a story about the bottom-side of United States--a society that has been left to fend for itself. But more importantly, this film is about hope, in the face of overwhelming adversity. “Welcome to New Orleans” depicts the ravaged city through the eyes of Malik Rahim, a 58-year-old former member of the Black Panthers, who stayed during and after Hurricane Katrina, in order to help residents. He has become a local hero, as he has built up his grassroots organization, Common Ground Collective, over the past two years. Common Ground has served over 170,000 residents with the help of over 12,000 volunteers, who have traveled from all 50 states and 40 different countries. But there is still plenty of work to be done. To find out more information, or to make a donation, please visit www.commongroundrelief.org